All money donated stays in the local community!

We’re changing lives. Every minute, every day. It’s all thanks to you!

Your donation is a great investment in our community. All money we raise stays here in the local community of Calloway and Marshall counties. CASA wouldn’t be able to support and guide these vulnerable children without the tremendous support of our sponsors.

There are numerous ways you can get involved to help us help those in need. See below for ideas how!

Foster the Dream Gala

Sponsor our largest fundraising event with more than 250 guests! This fun-filled dinner also offers a silent auction. This event takes place in the spring, and we’re looking for help of all kinds. We welcome donations of decor and silent auction items, volunteers to help plan and prepare the auction, and set-up on the day of the event!


Photos by Lindsey Coleman

In-Kind Donations

Any gift to help our office run more smoothly is highly appreciated!

Here are some ideas regarding our costs & usage:

  • Internet Services $1440/yr
  • Phone Services $999/yr
  • Binders
  • Binder Tabs
  • Copy Paper
  • General Office Supplies
  • Newsletter Printing
  • Stamps
  • Envelopes
  • Printing (& ink through West KY Xerographics)

Shop to Advocate

Kroger Rewards

CASA by the Lakes is now enrolled in the Kroger Rewards Program, which means every time you shop at Kroger and use your rewards card, money will be donated to CASA (at NO extra cost to you)! Simply log in to your rewards account.
Click on “My Account”
Scroll down to Community Rewards and click on “Enroll”. 
When prompted, enter our NPO number (CD608).
(If you don’t yet have a Kroger Rewards Account, you can create an account using the link below).


Shop Now

Bequests Through Your Will

A bequest to CASA by the Lakes is one of the most effective and simplest ways to make a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable children. You may specify a specific amount or a percentage you wish to give to CASA by the Lakes. If you would like to make such a gift to the CASA by the Lakes, you may include language similar to the following:

“I, [name], of [city, state, zip code], give, devise, and bequeath to CASA by the Lakes, a Kentucky nonprofit public benefit corporation having its principal office at PO Box 383, Murray, KY 42071, [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] to be used for the furtherance of its charitable purposes in the discretion and at the direction of its board of trustees for its unrestricted use and purpose.”

If you are considering making a gift by bequest, please meet with your attorney to discuss the ramifications and, if appropriate, to update your will.

Giving Retirement Funds & Insurance Policies

If you would like to create a legacy for children but do not wish to write a will, you can name the CASA by the Lakes as beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy.

  • Retirement account: You can have a positive impact on children far into the future by naming CASA by the Lakes as beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of an IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or other retirement account. Please consult with your financial planner or attorney regarding considerations when making this type of gift.


  • Insurance policies: Life insurance may be used to create a legacy by naming CASA by the Lakes as beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of the policy. This requires that you complete a change of beneficiary form with your insurance company. You do not have to work with an attorney or an accountant to make this type of gift.

Gift Matching Programs

Participating in a matching gift program makes your donation go further. Many companies encourage employees to donate to their favorite charities by matching their contributions, in some cases dollar-for-dollar or more. Some companies may match gifts made by retirees or spouses of employees.


How Do I Apply for a Matching Gift?

  1. Ask your company if they will match your gift to CASA by the Lakes.
  2. Request a matching gift form and program guidelines from your human resources department.
  3. Complete the employee section of the form and send it to CASA by the Lakes with your donation. If you have made your contribution online, simply complete the form and mail to:

    CASA by the Lakes
    PO Box 383
    Murray, KY 42071

  4. We will complete the form and forward it to your employer’s matching gifts office for processing. The company will send its matching donation directly to CASA by the Lakes.
  5. If you have questions about this process, call 270-761-0164.